Keep track of what people borrowed from you with the 7things mobile app. Simply take a picture of the item or money you lent out. Then from your contact list choose the person you gave it to. In a beautiful grid view you can keep track of all the things anyone borrowed from you. And when you want it back, simply send charming reminders through your favorite instant messenger, such as Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger or WeChat.
Track what anyone borrowed from you
· You can take a picture of the things you lend out
· Add a description to the items or the amount of money
· Add a name from your contact list
Send charming reminders
· Send charming reminders from the item detail screen
· Choose which app you want to use to send the reminder, such as Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, E-Mail, Messages.
· The reminder uses a visually beautiful “Wish you were here” meme
· 7things is available in English and German
· iOS 7 and above: The app is built with the beautiful design and functionality of iOS 7 in mind
· 7things supports iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus